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Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Will Therapy Take?


There is no specific time frame when working on personal development and growth. Depending on the type of changes that you are looking to make and the variety of issues that you are attempting to work on, therapy can last from a few sessions to much longer. Some find therapy to be extremely beneficial and choose to make it a long-term process.


What Can I Expect To Achieve From Therapy?


There are many benefits to engaging in therapy. Some of these include: gaining a better understanding of oneself, figuring out life goals and prospects, improving personal relationships, developing coping skills, enhancing problem-solving abilities, making positive changes to problem behaviors, and boosting self-esteem. Your therapist will work with you throughout this process and offer new insight to an issue that you have been struggling with. The benefit that you obtain will ultimately depend on how committed you are to the treatment.


When Should I See A Therapist?


If you are committed to making personal changes for greater life satisfaction, then you are ready to seek therapy. Many people believe that they need to be suffering from “mental illness” or serious “psychological problems” in order for therapy to be appropriate. This is not the case, anyone can benefit from therapy. Some even choose to come in for insight only.


Can You Prescribe Medication?


I cannot prescribe medication but I work closely with colleagues who do. Research has shown that often the best therapeutic outcomes happen when psychotherapy and medication management are pursued in conjunction with each other. If you are interested in finding out about medication options, I can make a referral for you or I am happy to collaborate with a psychiatrist or M.D. of your choosing.  


Do You Take Insurance?


​I'm an out-of-network provider for all insurance companies. Most will reimburse some percentage of your therapy directly to you. It's a good idea to call them to find this out before we start therapy. I'm glad to give you the specific type of receipt that your insurance company requires.

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